Wednesday, October 31, 2007

The Farm Institute moving on soil carbon?

The Farm Institute - a soil carbon sceptic which has promoted the views of hardline antisoilC AGO scientist John Carter - might just be melting in the heat of the emerging soil carbon legitimacy.

In its most recent "Insights', the Institute questions the methane rationale of the AGO (fewer beasts is good).

"The view that by reducing ruminant livestock production, global greenhouse gas emissions will be reduced, ignores ... the realities of the carbon cycle.

"Most greenhouse gas removals from the atmosphere by agriculture are not counted." Does the Institute mean, by 'realities of the carbon cycle" and "gas removals from the atmosphere by agriculture" that SOILS might be involved?

The Institute then goes on to ruminate that fewer animales being eaten and more grain, means more cropping than grazing and quesitons whether this would means more or less emissions. Well, we can tell you: it means more emissions. Pasture (perennial) well managed can sequester large amounts of carbon whereas most cropping regimes emit greenhouse gases.

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