It was a small band of brave souls who held the Carbon Coalition banner high and carried it through the streets of Sydney on 4th November during the "Walk Against Warming". Sydney-based members Shane Press (and his son Brendon), Kevin and Leisel James, Jeff Sanders, and Jessica Kiely joined Goolma-based member Michael Kiely to walk with at least 100,000 people. Kevin made the banner, Jessica wrote the slogan, and Jeff manhandled it against the wind. We were interviewed by a TV crew from the Weather Channel. many people came up to us and congratulated us and mentioned that their sympathies are with people in the bush. The Commonwealth Shadow Minister For The Environment Anthony ALbanese spoke for 10 minutes with us, and now understands the importace of soils and asked to be sent more information for a white paper he is preparing on the environment and water policy. Many more people asked for our briefing sheet. It was a successful day. BIG THANKS go to Kevin and Marc Pop for making the banner and to those who walked. Unforturnately this is the only way the media will hear our message.
1 comment:
I love the banner! Go the coalition!
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